Luna Uke Banjolele
The Luna Banjolele 8" Ukulele features some inspired etchings on its maple back. The mahogany neck has a smooth black walnut fingerboard and a 15.5" soprano scale. Tuned like a concert ukulele, this banjolele is sure to add some distinctive tones to your jams. The etched patterns on the back of Luna's banjoleles are a tribute to traditional Hawaiian quilt design. In the early 1800's, missionaries brought woven fabrics and steel needles and taught the Hawaiian people how to make patchwork quilts. But the Hawaiians made them uniquely their own. The designs were cut from one piece by folding fabric in the same way that you would fold paper to cut snowflakes and were based on the many plants that surrounded them. Luna has chosen the KALO (taro plant) as inspiration because this plant was a sacred and an essential part of early Hawaiian life. Love the Uke and are ready to expand your playing possibilities? Pick up a Banjo Ukulele!