Music Nomad The Humitar - Instrument Case Humidifier
Hydrate Your Guitar, Prevent a Catastrophe!
If your guitar dries out, its wood can warp, shrink, or - your worst nightmare - it could crack! That's why you should put The Humitar in your instrument's case. This remarkable case humidifier from MusicNomad carefully releases enough moisture to keep your instrument hydrated and happy. It doesn't matter what kind of instrument you have, The Humitar works great with acoustic guitars, electric guitars, semi-hollowbody guitars, mandolins, cellos, and more. At Sweetwater, we strongly recommend that our customers use a case humidifier like the Humitar. After all, a thirsty guitar is an unhappy guitar. Keep your instrument happy with The Humitar instrument case humidifier from MusicNomad!
MusicNomad The Humitar Instrument Case Humidifier Features at a Glance:
- Humid-i-Bar sponge holds a massive amount of water
- Reusable sponge releases moisture safely
- Insert lets you know whether you need to rehydrate
- Easily rehydrate by soaking sponge in distilled water
- Anti-drip material prevents messes
- Case holster with strong adhesive backing holds securely
Prevent warping, shrinking, and cracking with a MusicNomad The Humitar instrument case humidifier!